Estimation Techniques

5 minutes 5 Questions

Estimation techniques are used in Agile Release Planning to predict the amount of effort required to complete various tasks and user stories. Two common estimation techniques are Planning Poker and T-shirt sizing. Planning Poker is a consensus-based estimation technique where team members individually assign ‘points’ to a user story using a deck of cards, and then discuss their estimates and come to an agreement on the final estimation. T-shirt sizing involves assigning a size category (i.e., small, medium, large, or extra-large) to each task or user story, based on the relative effort and complexity. These estimation techniques are essential for designing realistic release plans and ensuring that work is evenly distributed across iterations.

Guide to Estimation Techniques for Agile Release Planning

Estimation techniques are essential in agile project management and specifically in agile release planning.

What are Estimation Techniques and why are they important?
Estimation techniques are used by teams to forecast the amount of work that can be accomplished in a sprint or release. They are important because they help plan the project timeline, allocate resources, and predict project costs.

How do Estimation Techniques work?
Some popular estimation techniques used in agile project management include Planning Poker, T-Shirt Sizes, Dot Voting, The Bucket System, and Affinity Mapping. Each method might be suitable for different situations or teams. Generally, these techniques involve the entire team to foster transparency and collective decision-making.

Exam Tip: Answering Questions on Estimation Techniques
When answering questions on estimation techniques, it's crucial to:
- Understand the different estimation techniques and their purposes.
- Be aware of the advantages and potential drawbacks of each technique.
- Know how and when to apply each technique in the context of a given scenario in the exam.
Be sure to carefully read the question and understand what is being asked. In many cases, you may be asked to apply your understanding of these techniques to specific situations. Use relevant examples and be concise in your answers.

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