
5 minutes 5 Questions

Velocity is a metric used in Agile Release Planning that measures the amount of work a team can complete within a fixed period, typically expressed in story points or hours. Velocity is calculated by tracking the total number of story points or hours completed by the team during each iteration and averaging them over several iterations. This provides a consistent baseline for determining the amount of work the team can handle within a given time frame. Having an accurate understanding of the team's velocity allows for better estimation of release schedules, helps maintain a sustainable pace of development, and promotes continuous improvement as teams strive to increase their velocity over time.

Guide to Velocity in Agile Release Planning

Velocity is a critical concept in Agile project management and directly impacts Agile release planning. It is important because it helps teams estimate how much work they can get done in a given time period, allowing for more accurate planning and forecasting.

Velocity is the measure of the amount of work a team can tackle during a single Sprint and is the key metric in Scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the Sprint by totaling the points for all fully completed User Stories.

How it works: Velocity is calculated by averaging the total points of delivered (and accepted) features per iteration over the last few iterations. Higher velocity means the team is able to complete more points (or tasks).

Exam tips: Answering questions on Velocity
1. Understand the definition of Velocity in Agile - the measure of the amount of work a team can take on2. Always remember that Velocity is a metric unique to each team3. Understand how it is calculated - as an average over several iterations4. Know that it facilitates better planning and forecasting5. It's not a reflection of the productivity of the team, but the consistency of the team's work.

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