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Guide on Build Automation for Agile Project Management

What is Build Automation?
Build Automation is a process used in software development where scripts automatically build a software application. The main purpose is to automate common tasks of software build, reducing human error, improving consistency and efficiency.

Why is it Important?
Build Automation is crucial in modern software development for several reasons: It automates repetitive tasks, reduces potential for errors, accelerates the build process, and allows developers to identify and address issues earlier.

How Does Build Automation Work?
Build Automation works by scripting tasks that are performed routinely such as compiling source code into binary code, packaging binary code, and running tests.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Build Automation
Understand the Concept: Ensure that you understand thoroughly what Build Automation is, its benefits and how it works.
Use Proper Terminology: When describing build automation, use terms such as 'script', 'compile', 'source code' and 'binary code'.
Give Examples: If possible, use simple practical examples to explain your points.
Practice Makes Perfect: The more you practice answering questions about build automation, the better you'll get at it. Try to answer questions from different perspectives to gain a well-rounded view.

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Build Automation practice test

Build automation refers to the process of automating various tasks involved in building and packaging the software for deployment. These tasks may include compiling source code, running tests, packaging artifacts, and generating documentation. Automating the build process not only eliminates repetitive and error-prone manual tasks but also increases consistency, reduces cycle time, and ensures that the produced software is always of high quality. In a CI/CD context, build automation is an essential component, as it enables quick feedback on the impact of code changes and guarantees the reliability of software releases.

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