A Comprehensive Guide to Avoidance in Conflict Management
What is Avoidance?
Avoidance is a conflict management strategy that involves reducing or completely eliminating direct engagement with a conflict. This approach might involve physically removing oneself from the situation, changing the subject, or postponing the issue.
Importance of Avoidance in Conflict Management
While avoidance isn't always the best long-term solution, it can be a valuable tool in certain situations. It can be used to maintain peace in situations where engaging in the conflict could lead to escalation or could prove unproductive. Avoidance can also provide time and space to reflect, gather information, and develop a different perspective.
How does Avoidance Work?
Avoidance works by disengaging from the conflict either physically, emotionally, or mentally. It's a passive approach where one party chooses not to address the problem in the hope that it will resolve itself, or out of fear that confrontation might worsen the situation.
Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Avoidance
1. Understanding the Concept: Make sure you understand the concept of avoidance thoroughly, before writing your answers.
2. Pro and Cons: Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of avoidance approach in various circumstances. There's no 'one size fits all' when it comes to conflict management strategies.
3. Examples: Use examples in your answers to demonstrate your understanding of how and when avoidance can be used effectively.
4. Clear and Concise: Be clear and concise in your responses. Prioritize quality over quantity.
5. Comparative Analysis: In comparison questions, analyze avoidance alongside other conflict management strategies to highlight its unique qualities.