Guide on Reconnaissance

Why is it important?
Reconnaissance is an essential initial step in the penetration testing process. It allows security professionals to gather information about the target system before executing an attack. This is important as it can reveal potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited, hence providing an effective security plan.

What is Reconnaissance?
Reconnaissance, also known as information gathering, is the process of collecting data about a target system. This may be an open source, like social media profiles, or from the system itself, like IP addresses or domain details.

How does it work?
There are two types; active and passive. Active involves interacting with the target system directly while passive involves collecting information without establishing direct contact.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Reconnaissance
1. Understand the difference between active and passive reconnaissance. Be ready to give examples of both.
2. Know the types of information that can be collected during Reconnaissance, like user roles, network services etc.
3. Be aware of the legal and ethical considerations around Reconnaissance.
4. Be familiar with tools used in Reconnaissance, such as Nmap, Wireshark, etc.
5. Practice describing the stages in Reconnaissance as part of the penetration testing process.

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Reconnaissance practice test

Reconnaissance is the initial phase of a penetration testing process in which the attacker gathers information about the target system, network, or organization. This involves passive and active information gathering, mapping the target's network, identifying open ports and services, and gathering information through various public sources such as WHOIS, DNS, and social media. Passive reconnaissance involves collecting information without directly interacting with the target, while active reconnaissance involves direct interaction with the target systems to gain further insights into possible vulnerabilities. The main goal of this initial phase is to build a comprehensive understanding of the target environment, which is critical for identifying potential attack vectors and planning subsequent phases.

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