Defining Done

5 minutes 5 Questions

'Done' in Scrum is the team's shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete, to ensure transparency. This definition varies significantly between Scrum Teams, but must be consistent within one team to ensure productivity and quality. Defining 'Done' provides a checklist which verifies necessary aspects like code integration, testing, documentation, and user acceptance. It’s crucial in Scrum projects, as it marks the completion of a User Story or an Increment. The ScrumMaster ensures adherence to the definition of 'Done' and it helps the team avoid technical debt and project pitfalls related to misunderstanding and unsaid assumptions.

Guide on Defining Done in Scrum

Defining Done is an essential further step in Scrum, a popular framework within Agile methodology in place for managing project development.

Why it's Important:
Defining Done provides a clear understanding of when a task or product backlog item is considered complete. Without a definition of done, the team can face confusion and inconsistencies, resulting in poor product quality and possibly, waste of resources.

What it is:
Defining Done is a shared understanding among the Scrum team about what it means for work to be complete. It ensures everyone has the same expectations about the outlined work.

How it Works:
Once a team agrees on the criteria of when a task is done, then each member of the team must ensure they meet these criteria at the end of each sprint, before considering the task as done.

Exam Tips on Answering Questions on Defining Done:
Understanding the concept, significance, and how it works is crucial. For exam answers, be sure to:
1. Give a clear definition of 'Defining Done'.
2. Explain its importance in Scrum.
3. Discuss how it helps achieve consistency and high product quality.
4. Describe how it influences the work of Scrum teams and benefits the project.

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