Wideband Delphi

5 minutes 5 Questions

This is an anonymous, consensus-based estimation technique. It was developed by the RAND Corporation in 1940s and then adapted to software estimation in the 1970s (Barry Boehm). Steps included in this technique are: defining the requirements of work to be estimated, presenting the work for estimation, individual estimation, discussion of estimations, and repeating estimation till a consensus is achieved. It provides a way to combine expert opinions efficiently and anonymously while mitigating the possible influence or bias.

Guide on Wideband Delphi Method

The Wideband Delphi method is a crucial part of Cost Schedule Management studies and involves a technique that ensures an accurate estimation. It is important because it leverages team knowledge and experience for effective decision-making, reduces bias and delivers more realistic projections.

Wideband Delphi is an estimation method that was developed by the RAND Corporation in the 1940s. It's a variant of the Delphi Estimation Method, enhanced to allow for more interaction between the team members, and designed to produce a fair and realistic estimation by leveraging expert opinions.

The Wideband Delphi process includes the following steps:
1. The coordinator presents each expert with a problem.
2. Experts provide anonymous estimates.
3. The coordinator averages all estimates into a single figure.
4. The averaged figure is provided to the team, and they discuss it.
5. The process repeats until a consensus is reached.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Wideband Delphi
To answer questions on Wideband Delphi in an exam, you should:
1. Understand the Pro's and Con's of the Wideband Delphi technique
2. Be able to explain and present the steps involved in the process
3. Understand its importance in Cost Schedule Management.
4. Remember, the Wideband Delphi estimation method is iterative and repetitive until consensus is achieved.
5. Always make sure to mention it's a team-oriented, bias-reducing technique.

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