Guide: Definition of Ready with Exam Tips
Importance: The Definition of Ready (DoR) is an agreement within the Scrum Team about the specific level a product backlog item should be in before it can be worked on. It ensures that backlog items are adequately defined and prepared in a way that enables smooth work during the sprints.
Definition: The DoR is a checklist of criteria that must be fulfilled before a feature is considered ready to be worked on. This concept is a critical aspect in Product Backlog Management.
How it works: The definition of ready sets a detailed standard for what it means for an item to be ready. This includes having clear user stories, acceptance criteria, estimates etc. This list is agreed upon by all team members and is used to assess whether a product backlog item is ready or not.
Answering exam questions: Understanding and explaining the Definition of Ready in exam may require that you define what it is, its importance in the scrum team, how it works and its components.
Exam Tips: You may need to provide examples of scenarios where DoR is used, explain its impact on the workflow, and may have to critically analyse situations to determine if a product backlog item is ready or not based on DoR criteria. Emphasis should be laid on its role in ensuring workflow consistency and high efficiency.