Feature Teams

5 minutes 5 Questions

Feature Teams are cross-functional and cross-component teams that are able to pull off backlog items and work on them independently. This methodology divides large-scale projects into several smaller features which are then assigned to different teams. The teams operate simultaneously on different features, which, when done, will be integrated into the final product. This division allows for work to be carried out in parallel, and it increases the teams' capacity to handle backlog items.

Guide: Feature Teams in Scaling Scrum

What is it:
Feature Teams in Scaling Scrum refers to a set of cross-functional and self-organized teams that operate on different aspects of a product.
Why it is important:
Feature Teams play a crucial role in Scrum as they help in scaling the process without increasing overhead. They ensure that each feature is handled by a team specifically skilled in that area, thus improving the product’s quality and speed of delivery.
How it works:
Each Feature Team works on different features of a product. They own the entire cycle from planning, specification, design, coding, testing, to delivery. This aids in getting faster feedback and reduces dependencies amongst different teams.
Exam Tips - Answering Questions on Feature Teams:
1. Understand the Fundamentals: Make sure you understand the basic knowledge of Feature Teams, including their structure, purpose, and benefits.
2. Use Practical Examples: Providing real-world examples when explaining the role and importance of Feature Teams can demonstrate your understanding and application of the theory.
3. Focus on the Benefits: When asked about why Feature Teams are used, emphasize on their benefits such as increasing the speed of delivery, improving the product’s quality, and reducing overhead.
4. Remember the Process: Remember how Feature Teams work. They own the entire cycle from planning to delivery of a product feature. This process should be well understood and outlined in the answer.
5. Review Questions: Review previous exam questions relating to Feature Teams to understand the common trends and themes.

Test mode:
CSM - Scaling Scrum in Large Organizations Example Questions

Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Question 1

A feature team has been facing difficulties collaborating effectively due to differences in their domain knowledge. How could you help this team improve their collaboration?

Question 2

A feature team has been facing a problem of endlessly growing documentation and lengthy handovers. What action should be taken to address this issue?

Question 3

A feature team is struggling with a high number of defects. What should the team consider doing to address this issue?

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