Scrum Artifacts Understanding
Scrum Artifacts Understanding comprises thorough comprehension of the three Scrum artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Product Increment. The Scrum Coach or Trainer provides in-depth knowledge of how these artifacts can capture essential information for the product and project, guide the team in their daily tasks, and provide transparency and visualization of work at different levels of granularity.
Guide: Understanding Scrum Artifacts
Scrum Artifacts are essential elements in the Scrum framework. They are crucial because they provide key information about the product being developed and the work to be done. There are three primary Scrum Artifacts: the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment.
What are Scrum Artifacts?
Scrum Artifacts are designed to maximize transparency of key information. As mentioned above, the primary artifacts are the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment.
How Scrum Artifacts work?
-Product Backlog: It is an ordered list of everything needed in the product. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog.
-Sprint Backlog: It is a set of items from the Product Backlog selected for the Sprint.
-Increment: It is a sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint.
Answering Questions on Scrum Artifacts in an Exam
When asked about Scrum Artifacts, always include definitions and purposes of each important artifact. Explain the importance of these artifacts in achieving transparency and adapting to changed requirements.
Exam Tips:
1. Understand thoroughly about each Scrum Artifacts and their role in the Scrum process.
2. Define the artifacts clearly.
3. Do not forget to write about how these artifacts help in managing the product development efficiently.
4. Illustrate with examples if possible.
5. In short answer questions, stay focused and precise, don't write lengthy and unnecessary details.
6. In multiple choice questions, watch out for scenarios where the wrong usage of artifacts is illustrated.
CSM - Scrum Coaches and Trainers Example Questions
Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Question 1
What is the best way to update the Sprint Backlog during a Daily Scrum?
Question 2
During a Sprint Planning meeting, a team member suggests adding a task that's not part of the current Sprint Backlog. What do you do?
Question 3
You are the Scrum Master of a new team and they are unsure about the purpose of the Product Backlog. How do you explain it?
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