Guide on Increment concept in Scrum
The 'Increment' is a core concept of Scrum and is essential to its understanding.
What is it?
The Increment in Scrum refers to the sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint combined with the increments of all previous Sprints. It is essentially a step towards achieving a product.
Why is it important?
The importance of the Increment lies in its role in creating a potentially releasable (deliverable) product increment by the end of a Sprint. This allows stakeholders to see the progress made, facilitates feedback, and keeps the product continually moving forward.
How it works?
In Scrum, the goal is to achieve a potentially releasable product increment by the end of each sprint. The team selects items from the Product Backlog, turn these into an Increment of potentially shippable product functionality.
Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Increment
While answering questions regarding Increment, ensure that you understand that an Increment is a step towards the final product and represents all the work that has been completed to date. This understanding is essential for answering questions correctly. Also, familiarize yourself with terms like 'potentially shippable' and 'Product Backlog', as they often appear in exam questions associated with the Increment.
Remember that the Increment provides frequent observable outcomes, a fundamental Scrum Principle. Keep these tips in mind, and answering questions on Increment will be a breeze!