Sprint Planning

5 minutes 5 Questions

Sprint Planning is a meeting where the team determines what to complete in the coming Sprint. The product owner explains the highest priority items on the product backlog to the team, and the team discusses each item to understand the work involved. Then the team decides how many items they can complete during the next sprint. The output of the Sprint Planning meeting is the Sprint backlog, which includes the list of tasks to be performed during the Sprint.

Guide: Understanding Sprint Planning in CSM and Tips for Exam Success

What is Sprint Planning?
Sprint Planning is a vital activity in Scrum that marks the beginning of every Sprint. In this event, the Scrum team gathers to determine the work to be tackled during the upcoming Sprint.

Why is Sprint Planning Important?
This step is crucial because it provides the team with a clear understanding of the objectives and the plan necessary to achieve them in the next Sprint. It aligns the whole team on the tasks ahead and encourages collaboration.

How does Sprint Planning Work?
The Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team collectively decide the sprint goal, and then, based on the Product Backlog and the team's velocity, they choose and break up tasks into manageable chunks to work on during the upcoming sprint.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Sprint Planning
1. Remember that Sprint Planning is time-boxed to 8 hours for one month-long Sprints.
2. Understand the two parts of Sprint Planning: What can be done & how will the chosen work get done.
3. Recall key participants: Product Owner brings the prioritized Product Backlog, the Development Team assesses what it can complete during the next Sprint, and the Scrum Master facilitates the process.
4. Recognize the importance of revisiting and revising the Sprint Plan over the course of the Sprint as needed.
5. Recall that the output of Sprint Planning is a Sprint Backlog with a Sprint Goal.

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