Start with What You Do Now

5 minutes 5 Questions

The principle of "Start with What You Do Now" is fundamental to the Kanban methodology. It emphasizes the importance of beginning any improvement process by understanding and respecting the current workflows, processes, roles, and responsibilities within an organization. Instead of implementing sweeping changes that can be disruptive and met with resistance, Kanban advocates for acknowledging the existing system as a baseline for continuous improvement. By starting with the current state, teams can visualize their actual workflow, identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for enhancement without the pressure of conforming to a new system immediately. This approach minimizes resistance to change because it doesn't challenge established roles or processes outright but encourages gradual adaptation. It allows team members to maintain their current responsibilities while collectively observing and analyzing how work flows through the system. This principle fosters a culture of transparency and openness, as it requires all team members to engage in mapping out the existing processes and communicating openly about challenges and successes. It sets the stage for incremental changes that are data-driven and based on real observations rather than assumptions. By understanding the current processes in depth, teams can make informed decisions about where to implement improvements for maximum impact. Starting with what you do now also aligns with the agile philosophy of iterative progress. It avoids the pitfalls of drastic overhauls that can disrupt productivity and morale. Instead, it builds a foundation for sustainable change by involving everyone in the process, ensuring that adjustments are practical and beneficial. Over time, these incremental changes can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, quality, and team satisfaction, all while maintaining continuity of operations.

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DASM - Kanban Basics and Practices Example Questions

Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Question 1

When implementing 'Start with What You Do Now' in a team's transformation journey, what is the most effective initial step?

Question 2

Which statement best describes the Disciplined Agile principle 'Start with What You Do Now'?

Question 3

In the context of 'Start with What You Do Now', what is the most beneficial approach to assess current practices?

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