
5 minutes 5 Questions

Kanban is a visual workflow management method derived from Lean manufacturing principles, specifically designed to optimize the flow of work and enhance efficiency. The term "Kanban" originates from the Japanese words for "sign" or "visual card," reflecting its use of visual cues to signal various stages of the workflow process. In practice, Kanban involves representing work items on cards and displaying them on a board divided into columns that signify different stages of the process, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." This visualization enables teams to see the status of all work items at a glance, identify bottlenecks, and manage tasks more effectively. A key principle of Kanban is limiting work in progress (WIP) to ensure that the team's capacity is not overwhelmed, which helps maintain a steady workflow and reduces multitasking inefficiencies. By setting WIP limits, teams are encouraged to complete existing tasks before starting new ones, leading to faster delivery times and improved quality. Kanban also promotes continuous improvement by making process issues visible, allowing teams to address problems promptly and adapt to changes quickly. For a Disciplined Agile Scrum Master, incorporating Kanban practices can complement Scrum methodologies by adding flexibility and enhancing process transparency. It allows for better handling of incoming work, especially in environments where priorities shift frequently. Kanban's emphasis on visualization, WIP limits, and flow management aligns well with Lean principles, making it a valuable concept for optimizing team performance and delivering value efficiently.

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