Risk Response Planning

5 minutes 5 Questions

Risk Response Planning is a proactive process where strategies and actions are formulated to deal with individual risks. The purpose is to minimize the negative impacts of risks on the project. In Agile Risk Management, the team devises response strategies for the prioritised risks, keeping in mind the Agile principle of flexibility in responding to changes. Some common risk response strategies include acceptance, avoidance, transference, and mitigation.

Guide to Risk Response Planning in Agile Risk Management

Risk Response Planning is a critical component of the Agile Risk Management process. Corresponding to your slug /concept/pmi-acp/agile-risk-management/risk-response-planning/, this guide will illustrate why it's crucial, what it is, how it operates, and how to successfully respond to questions on the topic in an exam scenario.

Importance: Risk Response Planning is paramount in any Agile project as it aids in the identification, assessment and strategizing of potential project risks. It ensures proactive behavior, compared to reacting when issues have already occurred. This can ultimately save time, effort and resources.

Definition: Risk Response Planning is the process by which teams analyze and plan for identified risks. It involves strategizing how to prevent, minimize or address potential risks and uncertainties that came up during the risk identification and evaluation process.

Functionality: Risk Response Planning operates by formally accepting and documenting strategies. These strategies can be avoidance, mitigation, acceptance or transference of the risk. The Risk Response Plan details how risks will be managed and monitored, who will manage them, and how to communicate about them.

Exam Tips: While answering questions on Risk Response Planning, make sure to understand the fundamental risk response strategies - avoidance, mitigation, acceptance and transference. Be clear on the responsibilities of a risk owner and understand the significance of a risk register as a documentation tool. Lastly, remember that the most effective risk responses are proactive rather than reactive.

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PMI-ACP - Agile Risk Management Example Questions

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Question 1

You are responsible for a nuclear power plant project. The regulatory board has made a change in the compliance requirements. This brings forth a great risk that your project may not meet the new requirements. You decide to hire a compliance consultant who specializes in the recent regulation changes. What kind of risk response is exercised in this scenario?

Question 2

As a PM, you are leading an IT infrastructure upgrade project for a banking application. A risk is identified that the project might face long delays due to the high complexity and strict security regulations. Despite potentially exceeding the project’s timeline and budget, the team opted to proceed with the original project plan but to closely monitor it. Identify the type of risk response strategy chosen?

Question 3

You are managing a project which involves launching a rocket. There is a potential risk of failure during the launch due to an issue with the engine. The team decides to build an ejection system to ensure the astronaut’s safety. What type of risk response does this represent?

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