Risk Review in Agile Risk Management: A Comprehensive Guide
Risk review is an important part of Agile Risk Management. It involves the process of identifying, assessing, and updating the status of risks in an agile project.
Why is it important?
Risk review is essential since it allows for the continuous monitoring of risks and the effectiveness of risk responses. It helps identify new risks, monitor existing ones, and close risks that are no longer applicable.
What is it?
Risk Review is a continual process used in Agile Risk Management to re-assess and monitor risks during the lifecycle of a project. It involves a periodic review of the risk list, revisiting risk mitigation strategies, and adapting the risk management plans as per the changes in the project or environment.
How does it work?
Risk review typically involves risk reassessment, risk audits, and risk reviews at regular intervals. The risk reassessment may involve a review of the risk probability, impact, and the effectiveness of risk responses. New risks will be identified and analyzed, and old risks that are no longer relevant will be closed.
Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Risk Review
1. Understand the process: Gain firm understanding of risk review process including identification, analysis, and response.
2. Give it priority: Always consider risk review as a continual and iterative process.
3. Emphasize on the review: Highlight the importance of regular risk review in controlling and managing the risks.
4. Recognize the adaptability: Remember that the risk management plans are to be updated based on risk review findings.
5. Flexibility: Learn to identify the scenario where new risks should be added and others removed from the risk list.
Remember, success in answering risk review questions effectively lies in the solid understanding of the risk review process, its importance and timely implementation throughout the agile project lifecycle.