Risk Tracking and Monitoring - PMI-ACP Exam Guide
Risk Tracking and Monitoring is a crucial aspect of Agile Risk Management that focuses on identifying, assessing, and controlling uncertainties in a project life-cycle. It is a recurring process that helps to protect the team from potential challenges.
Why it is important:
Risk Tracking and Monitoring is essential in agile project management because it helps in mitigating risks before they become major inhibitors to the project progress. It helps in early detection and response planning, thus enhancing project performance and team dynamics.
How it works:
It starts with risks identification, followed by risks assessment where risks are analyzed in terms of probability and impact. Then, risks response where action plans are developed to control the identified risks. Lastly, risks are monitored throughout the project to ensure effectiveness of the action plans.
For PMI-ACP exam preparation:
You must understand the role and importance of risk tracking and monitoring in agile projects. Emphasize on accurate identification of risks, assessment techniques, and the development of risk response strategies.
Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Risk Tracking and Monitoring
Understand the terminologies related to risk management, theoretical models, and practical applications. Be familiar with the Risk Burndown Chart and Cumulative Flow Diagram for tracking risks. Think from a 'value-driven' perspective where inclusive assessment and response ensure project value is not compromised. Remember, questions may not specifically mention 'risk', but indicate conditions where risk tracking and monitoring would be appropriate.