Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, which is a modern software development practice to routinely integrate code changes into a shared repository. Automated build-and-test steps validate this integration, followed by automated delivery ready to be released into production. This practice allows teams to detect and fix problems early, reduce overheads, and rapidly deliver reliable products. It's a key practice in DevOps culture, enabling teams to achieve their continuous improvement goals.
Guide: Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
What is CI/CD: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are key best practices of a modern Agile and DevOps-based software life cycle. CI is a software development practice where developers regularly, daily merging their code changes into a central repository. Then automated builds and tests are performed. CD, on the other hand, is a software development discipline where software is built in a way that the software can be released to production at any time.
Why it is Important: CI/CD removes the delay between writing code and delivering it into production. Through the CI/CD model, software development teams can detect and correct problems early, improve software quality, and reduce the time to deliver new software updates to customers.
How it Works: CI/CD works through a series of stages which includes build, test and deployment. Each code change triggered these stages. If each stage is successful, the code makes its way down the pipeline to production.
Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Understand the principles and practices of CI/CD and its role in the Agile and DevOps workflow. Familiarize yourself with terms and concepts related to CI/CD such as 'build', 'test', 'deploy', 'pipeline', 'production'. In scenario-based questions, understand the role of CI/CD in the given scenario and choose the answer that most appropriately applies the CI/CD principles and practices.
PMI-ACP - Continuous Improvement Example Questions
Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Question 1
You notice that disruptions are often caused by simultaneous deployments. How can the CI/CD pipeline help mitigate this issue?
Question 2
In a scrum meeting, the team decided to improve their delivery speed. They already follow CI but are new to CD. What key change they should introduce for transitioning towards a Continuous Deployment paradigm?
Question 3
The development team is introducing CI/CD in the project. Which of the following approaches can help them to identify the issues earlier in the development cycle?
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