Guide: Risk Mitigation in Pair Programming (PMI-ACP)
Pair programming involves two programmers working together at one workstation. It is an important technique in Agile methodologies and is pertinent to the Project Management Institute – Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam.
Why is Pair Programming Important in Risk Mitigation?
Pair programming helps in risk mitigation because two developers working together can check each other’s work, decreasing the chance of errors, thereby reducing the risk of defects in the software. It also allows for transfer of knowledge between the developers, reducing the risk associated with the loss of personnel.
How Does it Work?
In pair programming, one programmer, 'the driver', writes the code while the other, 'the navigator' or 'observer', reviews each line of code as it's typed in. They switch roles frequently.
How to Answer Exam Questions on Risk Mitigation:
When answering PMI-ACP exam questions on risk mitigation in pair programming, remember the key benefits: error checking, knowledge sharing, and risk of loss mitigation. Demonstrate understanding by citing these benefits in context of specific Agile scenarios.
Exam Tips:
1. Understand the concept of risk mitigation in pair programming in depth.
2. Review past exam questions to familiarize yourself with how they are framed and the kind of responses required.
3. Always keep the core benefits of pair programming in mind during the exam, they will guide you to the right answers.
4. Practice applying the concept to various scenarios, to enhance your understanding and application for the exam.