Definition of Done

5 minutes 5 Questions

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a clear and concise list of requirements that a software increment must meet to be considered complete. This agreed-upon criteria ensure that everyone on the team has the same understanding of what it means for work to be complete and ensures that the quality is consistent. The DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product backlog items and the increment of product.

Guide to Understanding the Definition of Done in Scrum Framework

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a crucial element within the Scrum Framework. It creates a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved for a task to be considered complete. This helps in maintaining a consistent quality of work and prevents incomplete tasks from progressing or being deemed finished.

The importance of DoD lies in its role as an agreement between the development team and stakeholders determining when a task is done. This ensures convenient tracking of progress, prevents misunderstandings, and provides a clear goal for each task.

A DoD is typically created through a collective decision of the project team. It is a list of criteria that must be met before a task can be considered as 'Done'.

Exam Tips:
Understanding the Definition of Done is vital for the PMI-ACP exam. Here are some key tips for answering questions related to it:
1. Be clear about the role of DoD in Scrum and how it relates to project quality.
2. Understand that the DoD is a team effort, it is not dictated by a single person.
3. Remember that the DoD can vary from project to project, based on the unique needs of each.

Test mode:
PMI-ACP - Scrum Framework Example Questions

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Question 1

During a retrospective, the team realizes that they have been consistently meeting their Definition of Done, but the product still has quality issues. What is the best approach?

Question 2

A new member joined the team and asked what the Definition of Done means. Despite knowing that it's a process to ensure the quality of the product, he is confused about the specific circumstances under which a task is considered 'done'. How should you explain it to him?

Question 3

Your team has just finished a sprint, but some work items are partially done. In your Definition of Done, you mentioned that 'the product must be usable and potentially shippable'. What is the best course of action?

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