Red-Green-Refactor cycle

5 minutes 5 Questions

The Red-Green-Refactor cycle is a fundamental concept of Test Driven Development (TDD). This process is carried out in three stages (red, green, and refactor). 'Red' step refers to writing a test that fails initially. This failing test will help in defining the required functionality. 'Green' step involves writing the minimum code required to pass the test. It stresses on not over-complicating but getting the test to pass. 'Refactor' step is cleaning up the code by eliminating duplication or any unnecessary complexities without affecting its behavior. This cycle ensures code quality, reduces bug rates, and facilitates easier understanding.

Guide on Red-Green-Refactor Cycle in PMI-ACP TDD

What is Red-Green-Refactor Cycle?
Red-Green-Refactor cycle is a key element in Test-Driven Development (TDD) which is a software development practice that emphasizes writing tests before writing the actual code. The cycle's name comes from the colors used by automated testing frameworks to denote success (green) and failure (red).

How does it work?
The cycle works as follows: first 'Red' where one writes a test that fails, then 'Green' for writing the minimum amount of code to pass the test, and finally 'Refactor' for cleaning up the code while keeping the test green. The goal is to improve code quality and maintainability while building features that meet specifications.

Why is it important?
The Red-Green-Refactor cycle helps in catching bugs early, hence preventing them from reaching the end-user. It allows developers to create reliable and clean code, promoting simplicity and clarity.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Red-Green-Refactor cycle
Remember the order of the cycle: Red-Green-Refactor. Understand that tests are written before actual code, and a fail-first approach is taken. Show a clear understanding of TDD and the cycle's benefits and importance in agile projects.
- When describing the cycle, remember to explain the goal of each stage.
- Practical understanding combined with theoretical knowledge will help answering any question regarding the Red-Green-Refactor cycle.
- Stick to relevant points and concepts to avoid confusing the examiner.

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