Stakeholder Salience Model

5 minutes 5 Questions

The Stakeholder Salience Model is a framework used to identify and prioritize stakeholders based on their power, legitimacy, and urgency concerning a project or initiative. Developed by Mitchell, Agle, and Wood in 1997, this model helps project managers and business analysts determine which stakeholders require the most attention and resources during stakeholder engagement processes. In the Stakeholder Salience Model, stakeholders are classified according to three key attributes: - **Power**: The ability of the stakeholder to influence the organization or project outcomes. - **Legitimacy**: The perceived validity of the stakeholder's claim or involvement in the project. - **Urgency**: The degree to which the stakeholder's claim requires immediate attention. Based on the presence or absence of these attributes, stakeholders are categorized into seven types: 1. **Dormant Stakeholders** (Power only): Possess power but lack legitimacy and urgency. They have potential influence but are currently inactive. 2. **Discretionary Stakeholders** (Legitimacy only): Have legitimate claims but lack power and urgency. They may be beneficiaries of goodwill initiatives. 3. **Demanding Stakeholders** (Urgency only): Exhibit urgent claims but lack power and legitimacy. They may be vocal but have little influence. 4. **Dominant Stakeholders** (Power and Legitimacy): Hold power and legitimacy, making them strong influencers over the project. 5. **Dangerous Stakeholders** (Power and Urgency): Have power and urgent claims but lack legitimacy, potentially leading them to use coercive tactics. 6. **Dependent Stakeholders** (Legitimacy and Urgency): Possess legitimate and urgent claims but lack power, relying on others to advocate for them. 7. **Definitive Stakeholders** (Power, Legitimacy, and Urgency): Hold all three attributes and are top priorities for engagement and communication. By applying this model, project teams can effectively allocate resources and tailor engagement strategies to address the needs and influence of various stakeholders appropriately. It ensures that stakeholders who can significantly impact the project's success are engaged adequately, and their expectations are managed proactively. The model also aids in identifying potential risks associated with stakeholder relationships, such as conflicts or resistance, allowing for the development of mitigation strategies. Understanding the salience of stakeholders enhances prioritization and contributes to the overall success of the project by fostering stronger stakeholder relationships and ensuring alignment with project objectives.

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