Guide on Control Scope in PMBOK 7th Edition
Why is Control Scope Important?:
Control Scope is a critical process in Project Scope Management. It ensures that all changes to the project scope are processed in a controlled manner, prevents scope creep, and ensures the project does not deviate from the agreed objectives. This process ultimately contributes to the overall project's success.
What is Control Scope?:
Control Scope is the process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline. The main aim of this process is to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.
How Does Control Scope Work?:
Control Scope involves continuous monitoring and control of the project scope against the scope baseline. Any variance from this baseline is then assessed and change requests are processed. Monitoring and control mechanisms such as change control systems, variance analysis, and scope inspections are projects requirements for the control scope process.
How to Answer Questions on Control Scope in an Exam?:
1. Understand that any changes to the project scope need to be formally controlled and managed.
2. Remember that unauthorized changes are often referred to as scope creep.
3. Key inputs include the project management plan, project documents, and work performance data.
4. Reviewed deliverables, work performance information, change requests are key outputs of this process.
5. The 'Perform Integrated Change Control' process is closely integrated with Control Scope.
Exam Tips:
When answering questions relating to Control Scope, ensure you understand the need for formal procedures to manage scope changes. Remember that change requests once approved, should result in a revision to the scope baseline or other components of the project management plan. Keep in mind that all approved changes will have some level of impact on the project, and the extent of this impact must be evaluated.