
5 minutes 5 Questions

A sprint is a short, time-boxed period when a scrum team works to complete a set amount of work. Sprints help teams follow the agile principle of “Deliver working software frequently.” This can be done by breaking down a larger project into manageable chunks of work that can be completed and reviewed in a sprint. At the end of the sprint, work should be potentially shippable: ready to hand off to a customer, put into a production environment, or otherwise at a state of 'done'.

Understanding Sprints in Scrum & Kanban: A Complete Guide

A sprint refers to a set period of time during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review.

Why is it important? The importance of a sprint lies in the fact it provides a manageable timeframe in which progress can be made on a project. The duration of the sprint (often 2-4 weeks) acts as a deadline, keeping the team focused and enabling stakeholders to plan project delivery more effectively.

How it works? In the context of Scrum and Kanban, a sprint starts with a planning meeting. The scrum team identifies the objectives for the sprint and selects items from a prioritized list (often called the product backlog). Each item is broken down into tasks and the team commits to delivering them by the end of the sprint.

Exam tips: Answering Questions on Sprint To answer questions regarding Sprints in an exam:

  • Always consider the goal of the sprint and the time frame in your answers.
  • Use specific examples to illustrate your points.
  • When asked about roles during the sprint, remember that the product owner, scrum master, and development team have different responsibilities.
  • Remember that a change to the product backlog can be made prior to the start of the sprint but not during the sprint.

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