Learn Feature Driven Development (FDD) (PMI-ACP) with Interactive Flashcards

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Domain Object Modeling

Domain Object Modeling is a vital aspect of Feature Driven Development. In its essence, it represents an extensive and visual interpretation of the parts involved in building a system. This model is developed by a chief programmer, a domain expert, and other members who have deep insight into the problem domain. It requires understanding of the system, discussing models and relationships between them, and defining the overall model structure. The result teases out the features in terms that are meaningful to the business. This provides a solid foundation for other phases of the FDD process.

Developing by Feature

In FDD, the primary focus lays on features. A feature in FDD is a small, implementable chunk of functionality that delivers tangible and trackable results. This principle is beneficial because it facilitates shorter, more manageable iterations, allowing the progress to be measured by completed features. Each feature is developed in two weeks or less which makes the progress easily observable. Developing by feature encourages flexibility and improves the response to requirements changes.

Individual Class Ownership

The principle of Individual Class Ownership in FDD encourages developers to take responsibility for the classes to which they are assigned. This practice encourages code quality and accountability, as each developer completely understands and owns their part of the system. It fosters pride in ownership and colleagues must consult them for changes on their code, thereby ensuring that changes to the class are not done without oversight. It leads to better quality code and increased understanding of the system among team members.

Feature Teams

Feature Teams are small, cross-functional groups, formed around a feature or set of features. These teams consist of individuals who hold necessary skills to analyze, design, implement and test the features. It encourages knowledge sharing, efficient and rapid development as decisions are made within the team. It also enables autonomy and agility as teams are self-organizing, have control over their work and are responsible for delivered features.


Inspections in FDD emphasize on the importance of quality control during the development process. They are performed at different stages of feature development, ensuring that the work has been done correctly, fulfils the feature description, and doesn't introduce other issues. It provides a useful feedback mechanism for improving the process and the product. Regular inspections ensure that errors or inconsistencies are caught and rectified early, reducing the cost and time of later rectifying them.

Just in Time (JIT) Design and build

JIT design and build is an approach used in FDD which advocates for the design and development of specific features only when they are about to be implemented. The premise of this approach is that requirements are prone to changes and any upfront design or premature building could be wasteful. This approach promotes adaptability and flexibility, leading to more reliable software development. By using JIT, teams are able to remain responsive to requirement changes without significant rework.

Regular Builds

In FDD, regular builds are crucial. A build refers to the process of converting files and other assets that the project needs to function into a software application. Regular builds provide an opportunity to verify that all components of the system work together as expected. The build should be comprehensive, covering all features developed since the last build. This practice helps to identify integration issues or dependencies between features early on so that they can be addressed immediately.

Configuration Management

Configuration Management in FDD involves the process of systematically handling changes to a system in a way that allows the system to maintain integrity over time. This is critical in FDD as it provides a mechanism for managing changes and maintaining stability in the system. It involves keeping track of all the configurations of the software, hardware, and related documents throughout the development process. This ensures that all configurations work well together and provide reliable performance.

Client-valued Functionality (Features)

One of the key tenets of FDD is its focus on client-valued functionality or features. Here, the development process is organized around making progress on features which are of value to the client or user. These are small pieces of functionality that are meaningful and valuable from the customer's perspective. Prioritizing client-valued features ensures that every feature developed adds value to the project and the client or user. It also provides more frequent opportunities for customer approval and feedback.

Modeling in Color

Modeling in Color is a technique used in FDD for visualizing and documenting domain models. This approach uses four colors to represent different aspects of the model: pink for Moment-Interval, yellow for Role, green for Party-Place-Thing and blue for Description. Each one has a different semantic meaning and collectively they cover the substantive things that happen in the domain. This technique encourages clarity and shared understanding among the development team about the software's functionality.

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