Diagnosing and fixing issues
Concepts covered: Verifying and Documenting, Escalating and Collaborating, Establishing a Plan of Action, Identifying Common Symptoms, Establishing a Theory of Probable Cause, Gathering Information, Separating Hardware and Software Issues, Implementing the Solution, Testing the Theory to Determine Cause, Prioritizing Issues
CompTIA A+ - Troubleshooting Example Questions
Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Question 1
A user complains that their laptop is not turning on and getting too hot. What's the most likely cause?
Question 2
A user reports their computer shuts down randomly. What is the first step in establishing a theory of probable cause?
Question 3
A user is experiencing slow performance when connecting to the company VPN. The technician checks the VPN configuration settings and notices that the settings were changed by a non-authorized user. After fixing the issue, what should the technician do to document and prevent future unauthorized changes?
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