Adopting Scrum in Organizations
Scrum Implementation Strategies
Concepts covered: Scrum Sprints, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum Roles, Defining Done, Cross-Functional Teams, Scrum Master Service to the Organization, Empirical Process Control, Scrum Values, Facilitating Scrum Events, Product Owner Service, Scrum Event
CSM - Adopting Scrum in Organizations Example Questions
Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Question 1
A team member is consistently not meeting the sprint goals but is also not seeking help or communicating issues. Based on the Scrum Values, what's the best approach?
Question 2
During the Sprint Retrospective, team members are having a heated debate. What's the best course of action?
Question 3
The team did not achieve the Sprint goal due to many issues. How should this be approached in the Sprint Retrospective?
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