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Relationship between Program Governance and Program Management

Program governance and program management are closely linked, working together to ensure the success of a program. Here's what you need to know:

Why it's important:
- Program governance provides oversight, direction, and decision-making to align the program with organizational strategy and objectives.
- Effective program management relies on clear governance to guide its activities and ensure the program delivers the intended benefits.

What it is:
- Program governance is the framework, functions, and processes that guide program management activities.
- It involves defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority for the program.
- Program management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet program requirements and objectives.

How it works:
- The program governance board or steering committee provides oversight, sets priorities, and makes key decisions.
- The program manager leads the program management team, executing the program and reporting to the governance board.
- Governance and management work together, with governance setting direction and management implementing it.

Answering exam questions:
- Understand the distinct roles of governance (oversight, direction) and management (execution, delivery).
- Recognize how governance decisions and priorities guide program management activities.
- Identify the flow of information and reporting between management and governance.

Exam Tips: Answering Questions on Relationship between Program Governance and Program Management
- Focus on the key responsibilities of governance (setting direction, making decisions) and management (executing the program).
- Look for how governance and management interact, such as management reporting to governance or governance providing guidance to management.
- Eliminate answers that show governance and management working independently or in conflict with each other.
- Choose answers that demonstrate a clear, collaborative relationship between governance and management, aligned towards program success.

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Relationship between Program Governance and Program Management practice test

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