Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a statistical tool used to model the tasks involved in completing a project, particularly when time estimates are uncertain. PERT uses probabilistic time estimates to calculate the expected duration of each activity and the overall project. It involves three-time estimates for each task: optimistic (the shortest time in which the activity can be completed), most likely (the completion time having the highest probability), and pessimistic (the longest time the activity might take). By applying these estimates, PERT calculates the expected time for each task using the formula: (Optimistic + 4×Most Likely + Pessimistic) ÷ 6. This approach acknowledges the inherent uncertainty in project scheduling and provides a more realistic timeline. PERT charts visually represent task sequences and dependencies, helping project managers to identify the critical path and analyze the time variability within the project schedule. This technique is particularly useful in research and development projects where activity durations are difficult to predict. By incorporating the variability and risk of time estimates, PERT enhances the planning and decision-making process, enabling project managers to anticipate potential delays and implement contingency plans. It ultimately contributes to more effective schedule development by providing a probabilistic assessment of project completion times.
PMI-SP - Schedule Development Tools and Techniques Example Questions
Test your knowledge of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Question 1
In a PERT diagram, when activities have multiple parallel paths, which path should receive the most attention from the project manager?
Question 2
In PERT analysis, what is the correct formula to calculate expected duration (Te)?
Question 3
When conducting PERT estimations, what is the primary benefit of using three-point estimates?
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